Andrew Percy

Andrew Percy

Former Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme



Andrew Meets With Ambulance Trust

Andrew Meets With Ambulance Trust

  Brigg & Goole MP Andrew Percy has met with the Yorkshire Ambulance Service to discuss local response times, call handling and the performance of the local service. Andrew with the Ambulance Trust at their headquarters in Wakefield last week. Andrew has agreed to help support the recruitment of more First Community Responders in our rural areas to help improve the speed at which life saving help gets to those most in need. Andrew also discussed how the Ambulance Service works in relation ...



  Local MP Andrew Percy and local Councillors, Caroline Fox and Gordon Megson, will be dropping into various villages this Saturday with a special community bus to undertake a series of open surgeries for local residents. The team have hired a specially converted bus that will enable residents in many of our more isolated villages to meet with their local representatives to raise local concerns. Andrew Percy MP says, “I have always said that I wanted to be as accessible an MP as possible and, ...

Success following Andrew Percy MP’s Calls for a Cross-Party Meeting to discuss A160

Success following Andrew Percy MP’s Calls for a Cross-Party Meeting to discuss A160

  Brigg and Goole MP Andrew Percy has succeeded in his call for a meeting with Transport Minister, Norman Baker MP, to discuss the delayed upgrade of the A160. Mr Percy raised the issue in the House of Commons at Transport Questions and called for Mr Baker to meet with a cross-party delegation to discuss the A160 scheme following the news this week that the upgrade is now likely to be funded in 2015. The Minister agreed to the meeting following Mr Percy’s request. Andrew Percy MP says, “The pr...

Government Commits to Protect Post Office Network

Government Commits to Protect Post Office Network

  Brigg & Goole MP Andrew Percy has welcomed the Government’s decision to more than double its subsidy to the Post Office over the next four years. The new Government has committed an additional £1.3bn of funding to avoid the mass Post Office closure programme planned by the previous Labour Government. The Coalition has also ruled out any further Post Office closure programme as occurred under the last Government which resulted in more than 4,000 Post Offices closing. Andrew Percy MP says,...

Andrew Welcomes Rural Broadband Funding

Andrew Welcomes Rural Broadband Funding

  Brigg & Goole MP Andrew Percy has welcomed a Government commitment to invest £530 million into the roll-out of rural broadband. The Government has adopted a Universal Service Commitment to get broadband in every household at speeds above 2Mbps. The funding will be directed to ensure that the commitment is met by 2015. The fund is made up of a £230 million surplus from the Digital Switchover fund and an additional £300 million from the Television licence fee and goes much further than tha...

Andrew Secures Play Park Funding

Andrew Secures Play Park Funding

  Brigg and Goole MP Andrew Percy is celebrating after helping to secure over £590,000 from the new Government to support the creation of 5 play parks across the Brigg and Goole constituency. The funding has been secured following a review of PlayBuilder funding announced in July. North Lincolnshire is one of only two Councils to have come out of the review with its funding allocation untouched. Andrew Percy fought hard to secure the funding, meeting personally with Ministers and raising it twic...

Night Shift With Scunthorpe Ambulance

Night Shift With Scunthorpe Ambulance

  Friday evening I spent a fantastic evening on the night shift with one of the Ambulance crews from Scunthorpe. I previously did a night shift with the crew at Goole, part of the Yorkshire Ambulance Service, but wanted to see what it was like for the Scunthorpe crew, who are part of the East Midlands Ambulance Service.   I got to the station for about 7.30pm and was given all the necessary paper work and an important safety talk. My colleagues for the evening were Vicki and John, who I had disc...

District Breast Cancer Support Group Fundraiser

District Breast Cancer Support Group Fundraiser

  Saturday night saw the annual Brigg and District Breast Cancer Support Group fundraising ball take place at Forest Pines in Broughton. The event was cracking as ever and I was happy to be joined by local Councillors Carl and Nigel Sherwood on my table. Thanks must go to the dedicated team of volunteers who do so much to make this evening a success and who put so much time into supporting women with breast cancer in and around Brigg.

Morrisons Visit

Morrisons Visit

  I wasn't able to attend the official opening in August of the new Morrisons store on Boothferry Road in Goole. However, I made up for that a couple of weeks ago with a visit and tour to the store. This store has provided more than a hundred new jobs to the local area as well as provided us local residents with more choice.I was shown round by Store Manager, Steve Naylor, who took me to every nook and cranny of the store. The bakery was my favourite bit as I got to eat some fresh cookies!This w...

Visit to Hazle Lodge, Rawcliffe

Visit to Hazle Lodge, Rawcliffe

  Alternative education provision is a passion of mine and that is why I was delighted to visit Hazel Lodge in Rawcliffe recently.I spent a really enjoyable time at the facility chatting to the young people over lunch before seeing them at work in their lessons. Before I left I was also able to present certificates to mark various achievements by these young people.