Andrew Percy

Andrew Percy

Former Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme



Goole College Visit

Goole College Visit

  I was delighted to kick off the new term at Goole College last week. Myself and Cllr Paul Robinson met Elaine McMahon, the Chief Executive and College Principle, and David Caldicott, Centre Manager. The staff and students were all very welcoming.    We all sat down and had a very interesting conversation about many things including building links with local businesses. As a former teacher I was very interested in our discussions about student funding and adult education.   I am doing all I can...

Goldcrest House Extension

Goldcrest House Extension

  It was my privilege to open the extension to Goldcrest House in Goole last Friday. This home provides a safe environment for adults with severe learning difficulties and autism. This was one of those visits that you really enjoy and that makes being an MP really worthwhile. The residents were so kind to me and some of them were so excited to have an official opening for the new facilities which are first class. The residents now have access to a darts, pool, table tennis and gym facilities tha...

MP Meets Co-op to Discuss Wind Farm Construction

MP Meets Co-op to Discuss Wind Farm Construction

  Local MP Andrew Percy met with representatives of Co-Op this week to discuss the construction of the 14 turbine wind farm at Twin Rivers. The wind farm received planning approval some years ago but construction is yet to begin. Andrew met with Rob Ellis, Sustainable Development Manager at The Co-operative Group and James O’Leary, Public Affairs Manager for the Co-operative Group, at Westminster. Andrew Percy MP says, "Although the planning permission for this development was gained some time...

Consultation on Future of Court Ends

Consultation on Future of Court Ends

This week marked the end of the consultation period on plans by Her Majesty’s Court Services (HMCS) to close 103 magistrate and county courts across the country, including the court in Goole. The campaign to save Goole Magistrates has been supported by local JPs, Councillors, the East Riding Council and local MP Andrew Percy. In a final appeal to prevent the closure, Mr Percy met with Justice Minister Jonathon Djanogly MP, to present the Minister with a petition signed by hundreds of local resi...

Lifestyle Helping Hand

Lifestyle Helping Hand

I had a great time last Saturday helping the Broughton Lifestylers tidy up Pocket Park. The park has been left for quite some time without a proper clean-up and as such is really badly overgrown. That is why it was great to see a group of young people from Broughton come together as part of this year's Lifestyle campaign to tidy it up.   Saturday was quite a warm day which made working on the park a bit sweaty but it was good fun all the same. Forest Pines gladly gave a hand and donated much of ...

Gunness Village Do

Gunness Village Do

I had a cracking afternoon at the Gunness Village Do on Saturday. I was asked to judge the cake competition although I had no prior experience of this and I wasnt sure whether you were supposed to do a taste test or not. In the end I dragged in one of the village kids to help and we concluded that the only fair way to judge was to try a slice of each of them!   The Village Do was organised by a dedicated committee led by Andrew Singleton and supported by local Councillor Rob Waltham. There was a...

Visiting Green Team

Visiting Green Team

  Last week I visited a local charity, Green Team, who offer a gardening service to East Riding elderly and disabled people within a 10 mile radius of Goole.   It was a pleasure to meet Paul and Elaine who jointly co-ordinate the Green Team in Goole. They took me to meet some volunteers (pictured) that were busy clearing the garden of a local elderly resident. Green Team really do offer a valuable service to local people.   The team kindly presented me with one of their vegetable bags, made up o...

Andrew and Town Council Tour Goole Hospital

Andrew and Town Council Tour Goole Hospital

  Local MP Andrew Percy joined Town Councillors and East Riding Councillors on a visit to Goole Hospital last Friday. Local hospital campaigner Josie Head also took part in the visit which was established in light of concerns over bed numbers at the hospital. Andrew and the other guests visited various parts of the hospital and were able to speak with front line staff and representatives of the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals Trust. Andrew says, "The visit to the hospital was incredib...

Andrew Visits Goole Moor Fire

Andrew Visits Goole Moor Fire

Photograph: Andrew Percy MP, Nick Grainger (Group Commander), Paul McCourt from Humberside Fire Brigade and Julian Small from Natural England   Local MP Andrew Percy visited Goole Moor last week to see for himself the devastation presently being wrought by a fire on the Moor covering some 100 or so acres. Andrew received a briefing from Humberside Fire Brigade’s Incident Manager and was taken to see for himself how the brigade are fighting the fire. Along with Thorne and Crowle Moors, Goole Moor...

Haxey Library and Playbuilder Funding

Haxey Library and Playbuilder Funding

Myself and Axholme South Ward Cllr William Eckhardt (pictured) have been shocked to hear that North Lincolnshire Council is proposing the possible closure of Haxey Library and its replacement with a mobile service. There is no doubt that Councils are being asked to make big savings but that is not an excuse for the loss of essential local services such as libraries.   When you look at the total budget of Councils you realise that very little is saved by closing front line services such as th...