Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Haxey Library and Playbuilder Funding

Haxey_SignMyself and Axholme South Ward Cllr William Eckhardt (pictured) have been shocked to hear that North Lincolnshire Council is proposing the possible closure of Haxey Library and its replacement with a mobile service. There is no doubt that Councils are being asked to make big savings but that is not an excuse for the loss of essential local services such as libraries.


When you look at the total budget of Councils you realise that very little is saved by closing front line services such as this. Councils spend huge sums on consultants and senior management, as well as by constant box ticking and assessments.


The Coalition Government has scrapped much of the box-ticking and inspections central government demands of local government. The challenge for Councils as they move forward it to make the cuts in the right areas and to not look for easy cuts.

I have also taken up the issue of Playbuilder funding which is also under threat. There are a number of schemes in our area including Winterton, Winteringham, Keadby and Crowle which are now under threat. I have taken the issue up with the Education Secretary.

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