Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Whitgift and Airmyn Summer Fairs

Whitgift_3The glorious sunshine is making this year's summer fairs and galas an absolute joy to attend. There is nothing like a cream tea in the sunshine surrounded by fantastic local residents. I've been asked to open quite a few of these this year including the Whitgift Chirch fete where I am pictured with the show Queen and her attendants.


Whitgift is a beautiful church which is famed for its 13 o' clock that was apparently used as a navigational tool by the Germans in World War 2. It is well worth a visit.Airmyn_Church_Fair_Jul10


I also had the delight of popping in on the Airmyn Primary School summer fair which, being in my own village, didn't require much of a drive! The new Headteacher has asked me to go in and speak with the kids and I will be happy to do so in the Autumn.

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