Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Summer Reading Challenge 2019

The Reading Agency held an event in Parliament today to promote their Summer Reading Challenge 2019.

Andrew explains, "This year’s Summer Reading Challenge, Space Chase, has been inspired by the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. The challenge encourages children, aged 4-11, to read six library books during the summer holidays and is open to all primary school children regardless of their reading levels.

"The Space Chase challenge is comprised of 71 space-themed books and there are two book lists: the younger list (ages 4-7) and the older list (ages 8-11). The books will have themes such as: exploration, endeavour, imagination, creativity and friendship, with many of them being new titles published this year.

"Children can read whatever they like during the challenge - fiction, fact books, poetry, joke books, picture books, audio books - as long as they are borrowed from the library. Moreover, there will be special rewards for each time a new book has been finished, along with a certificate once the challenge has been completed.

"The Reading Agency also kindly provided a couple of these books to donate to a local school."

Find out more about the challenge here. 

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