Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

School Again - Winterton Juniors

wintertonschoolI just cant keep away! Whilst Labour have been busy in Manchester getting used to a leader they didnt vote for, I have been doing as many visits across the constituency as possible. This morning I visited Winterton Junior School to meet with Headteacher Mrs Logan and to speak to the school assembly.


I had a great time at the assembly talking about what it means to be an MP and I was staggered by just how much they knew about politics. Not only did they know the name of David Cameron, they knew the name of the new Labour leader too. I spoke to them for quite some time and then did a question and answer session. the best question came from Alex in Year 5 (I think) who asked something along the lines of, "Why dont politicians always do as they say they will." Quite!


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