Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Reflections and a New Generation

Andrew published the below Facebook update following the Local Election results. 

"I don't want to dwell too much on the election results on here as I prefer to keep this more about issues, but I did just want to thank people in our area again for giving the local team such backing last week. Having done an analysis of the results, I am so proud of my North Lincs team for winning every single polling district in North Lincs. It was a particular joy for Elaine, Ralph and Helen to come out on top in Winterton on the evening, as well as across the rest of the ward, given some of the campaign by the opposition there!

"Thanks again to local people for their strong support, much of it I know was because of our local action and what we have delivered for the area. I can promise residents that myself and the local team are going to carry on the work on those and other issues.

"I also wanted to give a shout out to two of our newly elected Councillors, Cllr Nick Coultish who won Goole North (along with Cllr Anne Handley photogrphed below) to take a seat on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council and Cllr Josh Walshe who won the Burringham and Gunness Ward to take a seat on North Lincs Council. Both of them beat Labour incumbents and both of them are 21.

"I know some people think it is quite young to be in politics but given the general age of local Councillors, I disagree. We have got to get more young people in politics and we need more diverse voices on the local Councils. Well done to Nick and Josh and I am very proud that it is Brigg and Goole which is sending the youngest Councillor to North Lincs and the second youngest Councillor to the East Riding Council! Poor Nick was sadly pipped to the post by another Conservative elected in Wolds Weighton who is 20! East Riding will also see another Conservative Councillor from Mid Holderness join it who is 21, but older than Nick. Lol. Amusing to think the three of them have a combined age of 62 which is still considered young for a Councillor!

"I do put Labour on notice locally given our previous experience of dealing with them in Burringham and Gunness at the Parish Councils, we are not going to let Josh be bullied at them as happened in the past. We will call it out if it happens!

"It is great to have young people on our Councils, although Nick did say on election night, he felt it was time for a generation shift for MPs too. Obviously cant mean me, I am only 29!

"PS As you will see from the photos I also finally won out on my 'ban rosettes campaign'. I just hate candidates and campaigners running around in rosettes. It looks daft! This year I banned them and for once everyone listened"


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