Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Junction 37 Update and Impact on Boothferry Bridge Closure

Andrew has now received the latest update on the reopening of Junction 37 and the additional lane, along with the impact on the Boothferry Bridge Closure.

National Highways explained the following: 
“We are planning to open the additional eastbound lane and Junction 37 from Thursday morning 14 July.

We will be closing the M62 eastbound including the eastbound contraflow lanes during the night of Wednesday 13 July into the early hours of Thursday morning, this is to implement the additional traffic management and road markings that will enable us to open up the additional lane on the eastbound carriageway and J37 eastbound exit slip from Thursday morning.

We will have to have some short term closures of the eastbound lane overnight on Thursday, Friday and Saturday to carry out inspections and re-torquing of the bridge plates. These are the manufacturers requirements once the plates have been subject to traffic. These will be done during the night to minimise any disruption.

There will also be a requirement, on a weekly basis, to have one night closure again to undertake the inspections. These are only expected to be short term.

We are extremely conscious of the disruption this has caused and would apologies for any delays to the travelling public and surrounding villages and appreciate the patience shown.

We will be continuing to work hard on a permanent solution to complete the works on the eastbound carriageway and return the bridge back to normal as soon as possible.”

Regarding the impact on the Boothferry Bridge closure, we are informed that "We believe the planned closures on Boothferry Bridge planned for this weekend have been postponed as a result of the additional closures required to inspect the plates so there should not be an issue with regards to accessing the diversion for J37 traffic."

Photo - a previous photo taken by Andrew when inspecting the works.

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