Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Junction 37 M62 - Further Update

Andrew has received a further update from National Highways regarding the reopening of Junction 37 and the additional lane.

Andrew said, "Again, I am just the messenger, but I have expressed my frustrations on behalf of local residents. 

"Whilst I understand that they have to put safety first, I have asked for an assurance that this is being progressed at speed …"

Here is the latest:-

"Just to confirm our conversation this morning, unfortunately we will not be in a position to open the additional lane on the eastbound carriageway giving access to J37 tonight as originally planned.
We have come across some issues during the anchoring down process of the bridging plates.
I will be attending site tomorrow following further works undertaken today to satisfy myself of the suitability of the works.
As discussed the best case scenario will be that we open during the early hours of Saturday morning, but I will confirm our position once I have attended site tomorrow.
Sincere apologies for the toing and froing regarding the opening dates, and we do appreciate the patience of your constituents whilst these works are undertaken, but we need to be satisfied the plates fulfil the requirements before we open up to traffic.”

Photo - a previous photo taken by Andrew when inspecting the works.

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