Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Hook Primary School Visit

Andrew paid a visit to Hook Primary School earlier today.

Andrew explains, "I was delighted to visit Hook Primary at the request of the school's Traffic Ambassadors this morning. They gave me a fab tour of the school before inviting me to speak to the whole school assembly on the subject of road safety and how we can work together to improve that and make ourselves and the environment healthier by getting out of our cars. This was the pupils' own initiative and I was blown away by their enthusiasm.  I did apologise for having driven to the school in my car and promised to come on my skateboard next time! 

"It was also great to see the Year 5s who came to Parliament recently on a very rainy day. I'd managed to spend a little time with them on that day and they had clearly enjoyed it. 

"As the school is having a Sports Day today too, I did agree to race the Traffic Ambassadors. Despite being at the peak of physical fitness myself, I was beaten by all of them in the race! As I said to them after I'd caught my breath, I'm much better at winning elections than races!"


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