Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Goole Subways - Flooding Update

As you may already be aware, the Goole subways have flooded this afternoon. I raised this with Network Rail as soon as I was aware and have now received an update.

Network Rail informed me that their drainage contractor is aware of the issues at Goole this afternoon and are making their way to the site to assess the situation. They will keep me updated when their contractor has confirmed the work that needs to take place, and I will keep residents updated as I receive further information.

I have also asked Network Rail for an update on their plans for a whole new drainage system, which they have promised me they will be undertaking. I will, of course, keep residents posted on this also.


• Further Update 07/03/2019


I have now received a further update from Network Rail following yesterday’s flooding of the subways.

I have been informed that only one subway had flooded, and that the root cause of the flood was a blocked pipe, which was blocked with litter. The pumps were working; however, the water couldn’t get to the pump chamber.

This morning, Network Rail have issued an order for a deep clean of the sump and drainage channels, which will take place in early April.

In the meantime, they will continue their monthly maintenance visits for litter picking, pipe rodding and gully clearing.

As always, I’ll keep residents updated with any further information.


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