Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

East Riding’s Free Compost Giveaway to Return Next Month

East Riding Council’s free compost giveaway will be returning in September.

Andrew explains, "Due to the popularity of previous giveaways, this time more compost will be given out than ever before. I understand that around 6,500 bags of compost – 75 tonnes - will be handed out free to residents across the East Riding between September 5 to 20.

"As I have mentioned previously, these giveaways are only possible due to the fantastic response of East Riding residents to recycling in their brown bins. Those bins take grass cuttings, hedge trimmings, small branches, leaves, flowers and weeds, all cooked and uncooked food, peelings, plate scrapings, bones, bread, meat, eggshells and small amounts of soups, sauces and gravies.""

The Goole giveaway will take place on Tuesday 12 September from 4pm at: Goole, West Park, DN14 6UU. Residents can pick up two bags of compost, which will be placed into your car boots by council staff.

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