Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Andrew Percy MP │ Fairer Fuel Taxes

Howden_ShowPictured left: Andrew and David Davis campaigning for a fairer deal for motorists

Since Labour came to power in 1997, car-related taxes have risen 50% with the average driver now paying about £1,800 a year in taxes related to driving! Rising fuel prices mean that the Government has received £115 million pound EXTRA in VAT due to the rising price of fuel at the pump.

Fuel prices are a big part of the huge rise in the cost of living. The average family this year is £400 worse off thanks to Gordon Brown and the Labour Government. Labour don't understand rural communities such as ours here in Brigg and Goole where hikes in the price of fuel are felt especially hard.

This is why the Conservatives have proposed a ‘Fair Fuel Stabiliser’ which would reduce fuel duty when oil prices go up and raise duty when prices go down. At the moment the Government is creaming in much more in fuel duty than it expected to due to the higher oil prices. If a Fair Fuel Stabiliser had been introduced at the 2008 Budget, fuel would now be 5p per litre cheaper, shaving £3.50 off a tank of fuel for a Ford Mondeo.

These record fuel prices are happening alongside the Government's increase in Vehicle Excise Duty. We believe this increase should be scrapped while people are being hit by so many other new expenses. If you agree, you can sign our petition below.

Update: Alistair Darling has now annouced that the 2p increase in duty scheduled for the Autumn will not now go ahead. Andrew comments, "It's a shame it took the Government so long to make their mind up on this issue despite warnings for months that motorists could not take another hit. Whilst I welcome the move, the fact still remains that the high price of oil means that the Government is still taking much more off us in fuel duty than predicted."


Sign Andrew's Petition


We the undersigned call upon Gordon Brown and the Labour Government to scrap their plans to increase Vehicle Excise Duty on vehicles yet further. We believe that these increases would burden local residents yet further at a time when the cost of living is rising rapidly.



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