Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Andrew Lobbies Network Rail on Wind Farm Access

RES_MEETINGLocal MP Andrew Percy recently met with the developers of the Keadby Wind farm, RES Ltd, to discuss progress on plans to open up an access for construction traffic off the A18.


Andrew Percy says, “Getting this alternative route agreed seems to be taking for ages but I am assured that progress is on-going, even if the wheels are moving a little more slowly than we would like. The main issue of course is securing the agreement of Network Rail for the construction of a bridge over their railway line. Network Rail gave clearance for these discussions back in March, since which time we have been waiting for the completion of the report and valuation of the wayleave that is required to construct the bridge.


I have written to Network Rail to ask them to complete this report as soon as possible so that we can move on to the next stage. We are all very grateful for the involvement of Network Rail as without them we could end up with thousands of vehicles coming through local villages. However, I am keen that there are no delays and so I hope Network Rail will respond positively to my letter.”

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