Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Andrew Asks His First Question In Parliament

Newly elected MP, Andrew Percy, asked his first question on the floor of the House of Commons today. Andrew was called to ask a question of the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, David Laws MP, following a statement on the coalition government's proposed savings of £6 billion.


Andrew asked a question on the subject of port rates which the new government has taken action to freeze.


Andrew says, "It was a bit nerve-racking standing up for the first time and I hadn't gone in to the chamber intending to ask a question. However, given the fact that the new government has announced it will freeze the collection of Labour's back-dated port taxes I felt this was an excellent opportunity.


"I asked David Laws, who personally I thought was excellent today, if he would ensure that any new legislation on port taxes would involve proper consultation with port operators and port businesses before it is introduced. This is in stark contrast to the previous system introduced by Labour which has actually led to the collapse of one well established business in Goole! I am pleased to report that the Chief Secretary promised this would be the case, and in fact, I understand this will begin next week!"

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