Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

4R Planning - Dirty Tricks?

I've just had a resident from Crowle contact me to say that Labour have been knocking on their door - well it is election time and the only time they appear, in which they stated that Labour were the only party opposing the 4R planning application! This is the plan for a waste treatment site near Swinefleet. So much for working together to oppose what is a deeply unwanted application locally.

In short, as residents will know from the direct letters they have received from myself and local Councillors, this is a total lie. Not only are myself and the local Conservative Councillors opposing the planning application, we have also opposed the environmental permit application that was recently submitted to the Environment Agency. North Lincs Conservative-run Council has also submitted objections to the East Riding who will determine this locally. We are also the team that has been keeping residents updated, that has produced leaflets on the issue and a number of direct mail letters. Some of the Labour candidates standing locally, not only haven't been heard of before, they hadn't even submitted objections themselves!

I've kept my counsel on Labour characters involvement in this issue but I have always thought their interest in the matter might be more about the local elections and promoting certain characters ahead of that! Seems I might have been correct.

I am sure residents will see through this election game playing. Once the elections are over, I can guarantee, just like after every election locally, residents won't hear from Labour again until the next election!


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