Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

DEFRA Question on Flood Defence Funding

Andrew asked a question to the Secretary of State George Eustice MP earlier today, raising the issue of flood defence funding. You can watch the question on Andrew's Facebook page here:, and read Andrew's short update below

Andrew explained on Facebook:

Was on my feet in the Commons this morning, (or, rather, sitting on a chair in my living room) to raise the important issue of flood defence funding again. 

In terms of the situation on the Aire, the situation remains broadly as I posted yesterday and the day before. The rivers washlands are starting to fill, as expected, and I have been to have a look this afternoon between Snaith and Gowdall. Still a lot of water to come down the system so residents should continue to look out for further flood alerts and warnings.

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