Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Canal Breach - Update (27/12/2020, 12pm)

Andrew has provided the following canal beach update on Facebook:

Canal Breach
I have had a few messages from residents regarding the breach and the fact that water is still coming out of the canal. Thank you to those who have raised this out of genuine concern, it is sad to see some on other blogs choosing to attack me on the issue. All I have tried to do is help. I have and will continue to press the agencies, push for action but I cannot force anyone to do anything. I have simply tried to pressure and provide updates for the benefit of residents. 
My last update on this stated clearly that water was still coming out of the canal and flowing into the Internal Drainage Board system. It is sad to see some people suggesting that I had said otherwise or even worse! As I keep saying of 2020, we really have seen the very best in people and the very worst! 
As I explained in my last post before Christmas on this matter, the water is still coming out but at a much lower rate. I too of course looked at this on site the other day and thought what many people would think when seeing this.
However, the flow is much smaller than it was and is flowing into the Internal Drainage Board system and away into the Don. At its peak the flow was so strong it effectively reversed the drainage system and started to move the water to the villages. The repair removed that risk and I am assured that the flow out of the canal is manageable in the IDB system for the time being. The priority of course with the temporary works was to remove the risk of flooding to premises which appears to have been successful. 
Any water flowing out remains a concern but I am told this is being inspected twice per day and the contractors and Canal and Rivers Trust will be back on site tomorrow to undertake further work. I will be continuing to push them on this and I have kept in close contact with all of those involved. We shall expect to see further works and action this week and I shall be going down on site tomorrow to see for myself to continue to push for more action now! 
I shall continue to provide further updates once the CRT are back on site tomorrow.


I should have posted this below too. One of the agencies have asked me to remind residents that going to see the breach could be quite dangerous. I understand people want to go and see it either out of curiosity or to allay concerns etc etc, but it is very sodden and slippy there so it is best to stay away. 

Our local Internal Drainage Board have been out across the area today checking the breach and the levels, as have the Canal and Rivers Trust. They tell me the levels are not a concern for them and that the water from the breach is flowing away as expected into the drainage system and eventually to the River Don. This is in line with the expectations following the temporary works. 

I am about to go out and take a look too at some of the levels just to reassure myself too. I will be staying away from the breach itself as we all should as it could be dangerous.

Please stay safe and keep your distance from the breach and the banking around it. Remember this is 20 bloody 20! If anything can go wrong it will!

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