Andrew Percy MP

Andrew Percy MP

Member of Parliament for Brigg & Goole and the Isle of Axholme

Aire and Calder Canal Breach Update

Andrew has provided an update on the Aire and Calder canal breach.

Andrew reports, "I've been up to East Cowick this morning to meet with the Canal and Rivers Trust to view progress on the works to sort out the canal breach. 

"Fair to say, still someways to go before the permanent solution is identified. They had hoped to have the breach section fully drained by now thanks to the cofferdams. However, the water found its way around one of the cofferdams so they have had to pile a further section along the bank to get the seal! 

"They hope to have this completed tomorrow so that they can start to fully drain the breached section and effect the permanent repair. 

"As the canal serves the docks, they are also raising the cofferdam level on the dock side so that the canal level can be raised to provide more water to Goole docks. 

"I will be popping back down once they have the section drained and are clearer about what they are dealing with. In fairness, they have always said to me that the works to actually get the section isolated could be more challenging than the actual repair to the breach. 

"I shall continue to keep pushing!"

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